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Staking in progress...

Staking is progress... You have not participated. Remember to keep up with our latest staking offers and also take a look at our other staking opportunities

Phase: 1
Pre-launch - 7 days

Max. 500 000 deposit from one wallet. Choose one staking period between 6 and 9 months. You cannot deposit additional tokens in the staking phase.

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22 June 2023 - 29 June 2023


Phase: 2
Staking - 6 or 9 months

You cannot deposit additional tokens in the staking phase. You have to wait until the end of staking to claim your tokens.


6 or 9 months

Staking in progress...

You have not participated. Remember to keep up with our latest staking offers and also take a look at our other staking opportunities.

Phase: 3
Claiming - 12 months

You have 12 months to claim tokens with your bonus. After this period, tokens will be burned.


12 Months

The Claiming phase starts after the Staking phase.


SKEY token is not listed in Metamask. What do I do?

You need to import the SKEY token to Metamask assets.

What are the interest rate options and how are they calculated?

There are two staking options available: 6 months and 9 months. Their interest rate (APY) is respectively: 22% for 6 months, 24% for 9 months. At the end of the selected period you can claim your tokens and the reward.

What wallets can I use? Can I use an exchange wallet?

The website works only with Metamask. You WILL LOSE FUNDS if you transfer tokens from an exchange wallet or initiate transfer transaction directly in Metamask or any other wallet.

Can I withdraw tokens before the end of staking?

You can withdraw tokens during the deposit phase (first 7 days). After that, tokens are locked for the specified period and cannot be withdrawn until the end of that period.

Will the funds be automatically claimed after the staking period?

No, after staking period you need to manually claim tokens, using Metamask and this website.

Can I choose the wallet to which tokens are sent back?

No, the funds will be returned to the address that sent them.

Can I choose both 3 and 6 months staking periods?

No, from one wallet, you can choose only one staking period - 6 or 9 months.

I changed my mind and want to use the other staking period option. Can I change it?

Yes, you can change the period only during the deposit phase (7 days). You need to withdraw funds first, select the other option and make a deposit.

What is the maximum amount I can deposit?

The maximum deposit is 500k SKEY.

What happens if I don’t claim tokens after staking?

Tokens will be available to claim for 12 months after staking phase. After 12 months the tokens will be burned